Historical Data (2010-20)

Clinker (M.Tons)

Cement Production & Sales (M.Tons)

Cement Sales (Local & Export)

Equity & Balance Sheet Flooting

Loan Detail

Sales Detail

GP (PKR in thousands)

Other Income and PBT
(PKR in thousands)

PAT (PKR in thousands)

EBITDA (PKR in thousands)


ROE - Dou Pont

Current Ratio (times)

Dividend/Share (PKR)

EPS & PE Ratio

Stock Price/Share on year end & Break Up Value/Share (PKR)

Divident Payout Ratio (%)

Debt to Equity and Equity to Total Assets (%)

Interest Coverage (wrt EBITDA) (%)

DSCR (With / Without other income)

Clinker/Cement Production (% change wrt last year)

Total Sales (Local & Export) (% change wrt last year)

Total Sales Utilisation (Local & Export) (%)

Sales Mix: Local/Export to Total Sales wrt Qty (%)